Maze Game: A group educational game to teach children the basics of programming!
Learning to code doesn't require screens or complicated devices. With the Maze game, your kids can learn the basics of programming in a fun, interactive and collaborative way.

Programming in the computer world is a common profession, and everything in our lives can be programmed and adapted to our needs.
To make it easier to understand, the programs are:
set of commands
Data storage memory
Repeat commands number of times
Commands are executed in a specific sequence according to pre-defined conditions. Memory is used to store data (the number of times you performed a certain action, the start time, the result of a mathematical operation - such as addition, subtraction, etc.), all of which are necessary to complete the commands correctly.
The program ends if we reach a condition in which we order the program to end.
The game
Tools required:
Large boxes or chairs to build the maze.
Cones or tape to mark paths.
Colourful cards with instructions: “Go forward a step”, “Turn right”, “Turn left”, “Repeat (says number of times) go forward a step”.
A memory card on which the number of correct steps is written, and another on which the number of incorrect steps is written. A list with (true/false) and each time a line is added under the appropriate card.
A temporary watch for telling time.
Small prize for the winners.
Game roles (three children participate in the game, each with a role):
The first child
He repeats until he reaches the goal,
Is the card executable? If yes, ask yourself the following question:
Is the card the right card to get me to the goal? - If yes, give the command to the robot as it is on the card, and it waits to start again.
If the answer is no to one of the previous two questions, he draws the next card and repeats the questions.
The second child
The order is executable successfully - if yes clap once.
The order is not enforceable - clap twice.
I reached the end, he claps 3 times.
The third child
How to play:
The program
The robot executes the command exactly as it heard it inside the maze. (Only one command at a time)
The counter keeps track of time and records points. Speed is important because a lower time means a higher score.
The game continues until the robot reaches the end of the maze.
The timer records the time it took for the team to complete the game, calculates the result and announces it to those present.
The points are calculated as follows
The fastest team gets a full score, and each slower team gets points deducted according to its ranking (one point for each lower ranking).
The game can be played with several groups, and the group with the highest number of correct points is the winner!
The Maze game is a great way to teach kids the basics of programming and enhance teamwork and communication skills.
Call for interaction:
We invite you to try this interesting game and share your experiences and photos of your children enjoying the “maze” using the hashtags #MazeProgramming #TeachingProgrammingToChildren #EducationalGames #InteractiveGames.
If you need help in preparing and implementing the event, contact us via the contact link